Module overview
Module 1:
What are Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Health Promotion
16 min 10 sec

Ms Anne-Marie Perucic
World Health Organization (WHO)
Anne-Marie Perucic has been in WHO since 2001. She works in the Fiscal Policies for Health Unit in the Health Promotion Department in Geneva, Switzerland. Her work focusses on tobacco taxation and she has been providing technical support since 2009 to countries’ Ministry of Finance officials as well as trainings on tobacco taxation in multi-country workshops aimed at Ministry of Health and Finance officials. She has also been providing support to countries on the taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages. She has also been involved in work on tobacco trade, tobacco growing, alternatives to tobacco and sustainable financing of tobacco control measures, particularly in developing countries. In addition to being in charge in the production of the price and tax data for tobacco in the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, she’s also been recently in charge of the production of new similar data covering alcohol and sugar-sweetened beverages. Ms Perucic holds an M. Sc. in Economics from the University of Montreal and a Master’s degree in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.